Wish there were classes about local foods when we were in school! Ah, well, it's never too late to learn. Here, a couple of area classes for (local) foodies:
•First, frequent Edible Blue Ridge contributor Lisa Reeder is teaching "Local Food for Thought" with Carroll Ann Friedmann. The course, offered through UVA, meets on Wednesday evenings for eight weeks beginning this week and ending in March. There are still a couple of spots left.
The class is sort of a locavore spin on home ec: how to garden, preserve, buy local. Plus tips on cooking, such as how to prepare grass-fed beef versus grain-fed (the former is leaner and therefore must be cooked correctly).
For more information and to register, download forms from www.scps.virginia.edu or visit the School of Continuing & Professional Studies in person at Zehmer Hall, 104 Midmont Lane.
•Next, on February 14, there's a half-day workshop for backyard poultry production at Tuckahoe Plantation in Richmond. It's just as appropriate for the family that wants a few hens for morning eggs as it is if you want to raise the chickens for market.
The good news is that the class will equip you with the knowhow to establish your own backyard flock. The bad news is that it's sold out—but you can still contact them to be put on the waiting list. Cost is $20. www.centerforruralculture.org/events.php or email admin@centerforruralculture.org.